
Grow Cannabis Legally

Grow Cannabis Legally Introduction If you want to grow your own cannabis, there are plenty of states that make it legal. Before you start growing weed, though, it’s important to know what the laws in your state are—and what they’re not. If you don’t follow the rules or if someone finds out about your grow […]

Growing Cannabis in Massachusetts

You can grow cannabis—for personal use only—in Massachusetts. Adults can grow up to six plants for personal use, but the plants must be grown inside. These are the same laws that apply to people who buy marijuana from a dispensary, so it’s unlikely police will stop you if they see you with less than six […]

Why do all my house plants die?

Overwater and underwater You’ve brought home this living thing, and you’re suddenly doing your best to keep it alive. You’re watering it every couple of days, but the soil is still dry, so you water it again. Next time you check in on your plant, its leaves are turning yellow and dropping to the floor. […]

What color light is best for indoor house plants?

Plants need light to grow. Plants need light. It’s their main energy source. Light is what plants use to perform photosynthesis, which is a process of converting carbon dioxide into sugar. This sugar acts as the plant’s food. Light also helps the plant convert water into oxygen and performs other essential functions for survival, like […]

What are the best ways to garden indoors as a beginner?

Indoor gardening is a great way to grow plants year-round. Indoor gardening is a great way to grow plants year-round. Not only does it serve as an excellent hobby for both you and your family, but it is also a great way to save money on fresh produce. Whether you want to grow tomatoes, herbs, […]

How often and how much should I water my indoor house plants?

One of the most important questions in growing any plant tends to be around water. Environment If you live in a hot and dry environment, your plants will need more water. This is because they lose water through their leaves. You’ll need to water them more frequently (maybe 1-2 times per week). If you don’t, […]

What size LED light would I need to grow a cannabis plant?

There is no simple answer to this question as it depends on many factors. In general, the more light you can give a plant, the better it will grow. This is especially true for cannabis. However, below are a few factors that can affect your success and yield. The wattage of your LED bulb Different […]