Plants need light to grow.
Plants need light. It’s their main energy source.
Light is what plants use to perform photosynthesis, which is a process of converting carbon dioxide into sugar. This sugar acts as the plant’s food. Light also helps the plant convert water into oxygen and performs other essential functions for survival, like regulating hormones governing root, leaf, and flower growth.
Most plants need a lot of light to grow.
Many plants rely on light for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert energy from the sun into chemical energy. The colors red and blue are essential to get this process started.
The color spectrum is important for plant growth.
Environmental considerations aside, it’s an important question to ask yourself: which color spectrum is best for your plants?
Most indoor plants need blue and red light to thrive. When choosing a grow light, the spectrum of light delivered by the LED lights should be the one most important factor to you. Red wavelengths are essential for photosynthesis; they provide energy for the plant to grow. Blue light is also essential for other cellular processes and help with gas exchange between the inside and outside of the leaf allowing your plant to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide that will be used to produce more sugars. This exchange also allows leaves to expel water vapor and pull more water up through its roots which delivers more essential nutrients to the leaves and flowers.
By far the best way to determine what color spectrum is right (and cheaper) for you is online before you make any purchase. Try searching something like “best LED grow lights” or “best LED grow lights under $100” on Google or other search engines/sites and see what has come up as top results when you search those terms (links will remain live).
Most LED grow lights for indoor house plants are blue and red.
LED grow lights for indoor house plants most commonly consist of red and blue lights because these are the colors plants use the most.
Although other colors may not be as useful, they can still be beneficial. Some people like to have colorful light in rooms where they spend a lot of time, so having additional colors in an LED grow light is great for aesthetics. If you are looking to only provide your plants with what they need, then an LED grow light that only consists of red and blue wavelengths will work great!
LED lights use less energy than other lights.
The takeaway: If you want to keep your indoor plant collection alive, you should consider buying an LED light. They last up to 50,000 hours and use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. Plus, they don’t contain mercury like other bulbs and produce very little heat.
LED grow lights are relatively easy to install and maintain.
Relatively easy to install and maintain, these lights can be installed in any room. They are also more efficient than other types of grow lights, so they use less electricity and cost less to run. You can find a wide range of LED grow lights that can be both inexpensive or expensive. It just depends on your lighting needs.
Avid has optimized all of these details to provide your plants with what they need when they need it. This results in accelerated growth and increased yields.